LOC Meeting (02/08/2000)
second meeting of the National LOC of PORSEC2000 was held on 8th February
2000. The following members were present.
E. Desa, NIO, Chairman
Y. Sugimori, Chiba University, President
L.V.G. Rao, Co-Chairman, NIO
M.S. Narayan, SAC
R.R. Rao, NPOL
M.M. Ali, SAC
H.H. Gowda, ISRO
Vishwas Chauhan, CCMB
Elgar Desa, Convenor, NIO
T. Pankajakshan, Co-Convenor, NIO
P.M. Muraleedharan, Co-Convenor, NIO
Sathesh Shenoi, NIO
S. Prasannakumar, NIO
M.R. Rameshkumar, NIO
O.S. Chauhan, NIO
A.K. Saran, NIO
Ajit Shirodkar, Goa University
P.R. Sarode, Goa University
Harilal B. Menon, Goa University
Sylvia Bhobe, NIO
Shyada Rodrigues, NIO
Namita Jadav, NIO
meeting commenced at 1545 hours. The Chairman welcomed the members
and introduced Prof. Sugimori, President of PORSEC to the members.
He expressed satisfaction over the preparatory work for the conference.
He further commented that the number of quality abstract received (~210)
and the confirmation of leading scientists as session chairs/invited speakers
already set the stage for a successful PORSEC 2000. The contribution
of SOC members and PORSEC executives for promoting PORSEC-2000 was highly
L.V.G. Rao, Co-chairman of the PORSEC2000 briefed the members on the follow-up
action taken on the minutes of the first LOC.
Major targets set in the first LOC were creation of PORSEC 2000 web site,
getting confirmation from sponsors, gathering enough quality abstracts
before the set deadline of December 1999, advance booking of accommodation,
and contacting Marine Instrumentation and IT companies for exhibits.
All these targets were met to satisfaction.
PORSEC 2000 web site went online on 1st September 1999.
As of January 31st, 210 abstracts were received
The major, probable sponsors were contacted and they confirmation of sponsorship
Marine Instrumentation and other IT companies were contacted
A comprehensive survey of the available hotels and Conference Halls was
made and short listed
members were informed that more than ten meetings of LOC members within
NIO were held after the first National LOC meeting. He also appraised
the members of the extended deadline of March 31st 2000 for the submission
of abstracts.
Y. Sugimori, president of PORSEC expressed his happiness in being able
to attend the second National LOC meeting and appreciated the team
work of LOC members under the chairmanship of
E. Desa. In his remarks he suggested LOC to set the following goals
for PORSEC 2000.
Gather excellent papers for PORSEC 2000
Careful dealing of the PORSEC 2000 budget
Bring out PORSEC 2000 proceedings and special issues of selected papers
in standard journals after meticulous screening of the papers received.
Pankajakshan spoke about the options for the venue of the Conference and
the Training Course. PORSEC 2000 is scheduled to comprise of the
following main and satellite events:
Four parallel sessions for oral presentations
Poster sessions
Two workshops
Training Course
expressed the difficulty in organizing all the events at one place. He
remarked that the Goa International Center being a suitable venue, and
accordingly it is booked for organizing the training course. For
organizing the Conference and Workshops the Kala Accadamy and Marriot Hotel
were short listed. The final confirmation of the venue for the conference
has been left to the Chairman and Convenors of the LOC after negotiating
with the management of the Marriot Hotel.
Shenoi briefed about the Technical sessions including the inaugural session.
Considering the number of expected full length papers (250) and the invited
and plenary talks he projected the following.
Function |
December 2000 (0930 to 1230 hrs) |
Speech |
E. Desa, President, LOC, PORSEC- 2000 |
Address |
Abdul Kalam,Scientific advisor, Govt. of India |
Address |
Sugimori, President, PORSEC |
Presentation |
Kasturirangan, Chairman, ISRO |
of the expected 250 full length papers, it is proposed to schedule 50 papers
for the poster sessions and 200 for the oral presentations. To complete
the 200 oral presentations he suggested four parallel sessions. In
order to enable all participants to attend the plenary talks (maximum three
talks per day) he recommended to have no parallel sessions during plenary
talks. The tentative time allotted for various technical sessions
are as follows.
talks -
30 minutes
talks -
25 minutes
talks - 20 minutes (all inclusive of time
for discussions)
publications the following are suggested:
To bring out PORSEC 2000 proceedings before the Conference date
To publish selected papers on Indian Ocean Processes in special issue of
the journal, Current Science
A special issue in the Journal of Adv. Mar. Sci. Tech. Soci. for selected
papers in general
also presented the proposal of Dr. Ian John to publish a book on Indian
Ocean Processes comprising selected papers from PORSEC 2000. Although
the members appreciated the proposal, they felt that the financial commitment
involved (LOC to buy 200 books @ $30 per book) is not affordable considering
the present sponsorship status of PORSEC2000
Elgar spoke on the Exhibition during PORSEC 2000 (5 to 8 December 2000)
and suggested the following:
Exhibition of about 10 to 12 participants
Possible venue: Marriot hotel, Miramar, Panjim
Exhibition stall size: 2 types (small: 3m x 3m, large: 4m x 4m)
who have shown interest:
Satlantic Inc (Canada): Bio-optical instruments
CODA Technologies (USA)
Hobilabs (USA): Bio-optical Instruments
ISRO (India): Space Agency: Models
ESA (European Space Agency): posters, models
SeaSpace (USA): Earth stations for satellites
Sugimori suggested LOC to contact IT companies in Japan(through
Dr. Tanaka), Singapore, Korean, Hong Kong IT and Indian IT Companies as
well. Nortek (ADCPs) was also suggested.
the charges to be divided for the stalls, the following was suggested.
Free of charge for the sponsoring agencies (NASDA, NASA, ESA, ISRO, ONR)
Rs 30,000/( for IT companies)
$400 (foreign manufacturers inclusive of registration)
order to get more participants, it was suggested by the members to advertise
about the exhibits in the final programme booklet.
details of the PORSEC-2000 Training course were given by Dr. Prasannakumar.
three day course prior to the conference (1, 2, and 4 Dec. 2000) has been
suggested with the following Course topics and contact persons.
Ocean color ( Dr. Shailesh Naik, SAC & Dr. Elgar Desa, NIO)
Microwave remote sensing for ocean applications (Dr. M.S.Narayan, SAC)
High resolution sensor products for coastal studies ( Dr.S.K Bhan, NRSA
course will consist of classroom lectures and hands on experience on data
handling. The total number of participants will be 30, having 10 trainees
in each group (topic), about 20 would be from India and the rest from Indian
ocean rim countries (such as Bangladesh, Srilanka, Mauritius, Seychelles).
Faculty Members would be the experts attending PORSEC 2000. The course
fee has been proposed to be US $200 for foreign participants and Rs. 5000
for Indian Participants. Dr . Honne Gowda suggested that NNRMS/ISRO may
be requested for some funds towards training of Indian participants.
O.S. Chauhan briefed the members about his survey of available hotels close
to the proposed venue of the conference. Considering the number of abstracts
received as of today and also the expected number during the extended period,
about 130 foreign participants and 100 Indian participants are expected.
Of the 130 foreign participants it is proposed to accommodate 100 in hotel
Marriot (probable venue of the conference) and the rest in hotels Cidade
De Goa (5 km), Prainha (4 km) and hotel Mandovi (2 km). For Indian delegates
the Goa International center (6 km) and NIO guest house (4 km) from the
venue have been identified.
M.R. Ramesh Kumar mentioned that two workshops can be conducted during
the PORSEC-2000 the tentative themes for the workshops are (a) ocean colour
(b) future satellite mission. In the ocean colour workshop the emphasis
will be an intercomparison of the results of various ocean colour sessions
CZCS, MOS(B), SeaWiFS and OCM. In the future satellite mission the emphasis
will be on “Mega Tropics “ and “Oceansat –II”
Muraleedharan presented the national and international sponsorship to date.
The following are the commitments from international agencies:
Space Agency |
$ 10 – 15 k (1k = $ 1000) |
Space development Agency |
$ 10 – 15 k |
Naval Research |
$ 10 k |
Biological Research Institute Of Japan |
$ 1k |
lab. for Geo Inf. Sci, Hong Kong |
$ 1k |
Oceanographic & Atmospheric Administration |
$ 4k |
per the latest information NASA have frozen their commitment of 10 k US$
for the time being in view of the sanctions imposed on some agencies in
India by the US Govt. NOAA has agreed to release 4k towards the travel
assistance for two participants recommended by the LOC. National agencies
such as DOS, CSIR, DOD and DST have also confirmed their sponsorships.
sponsorship, the LOC expects an income of Rs. 14 lakhs from registration
and exhibits. This will give an overall figure of Rs. 33 lakhs as cash
inflow. The projected expenditure for conference and training course is
Rs. 42 lakhs (Rs. 30 lakhs for conference and Rs. 12 lakhs for training
course). He commented that the deficit of Rs. 9 lakhs could be mobilized
through the following means.
Requesting the sponsors to enhance their contributions.
Exhibit charge from IT companies and other marine instrumentation companies
to be enhanced.
Anticipated additional registration fees.
Careful spending
Sylvia Bhobe demonstrated the automation software developed for the PORSEC-2000.
Ajit Shirodkar from Goa University talked about their experience in handling
international conferences and extended their support to PORSEC-2000. Considering
his success in mobilizing exhibitors for the VSNL conference held in hotel
Cidade de Goa, the Chairman felt that his expertise could be made use of
for mobilizing more exhibits for PORSEC-2000.
Pankajakshan briefed the members about the existing PORSEC awards (best
service and best scientist award). For PORSEC-2000, he proposed the best
oral (young scientist/ Research student) and best poster awards. The members
unanimously accepted the proposal.
Elgar Desa proposed the vote of thanks