Synthethic aperture radar Remote Sensing of the parameters defining the rate of air-sea gas transfer Measurement of ocean currents, winds and waves using space borne altimeters Ocean atmosphere interaction observed by new spaceborne sensors Measurements of winds using scatterometers and applications to tropical cyclone analysis Polar oceanography Passive microwave remote sensing of ocean and atmosphere Modeling and assimilation of remote sensing data into numerical models Climate and circulation of the Indian ocean Remote sensing of fishery resources and marine ecology Air sea interaction Thermal infrared remote sensing, skin SST and its relationship to bulk SST and heat budget of the upper ocean Ocean colour Coastal zone management, storm surge prediction and GIS applications Ocean processes: Interannual to decadal ocean variability Ocean processes: Mesoscale and coastal ocean processes Multisensor observations and applications Data processing sensor calibration and data management Underwater acoustics Sea ice and polar climatic variability Meaurement of precipitation using spaceborne sensors Marine optics