LOC Meeting (05/08/99)
first meeting of the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) was held in
the at NIO Goa on 05/08/99 and was attended by Dr. E. Desa (Chairman),
Sh. L.V.G. Rao (Co-chairman), Dr. Elgar Desa (Convenor), Dr. T. Pankajakshan
(Co-Convenor), Dr. P.M. Muralidharan (Co-Convenor), Dr. M.S.Narayanan,
Dr. R.R. Rao, Dr. R.C.Panigrahy, Dr. Shailesh Nayak, Dr. S.Prasanna Kumar,
Dr. S.C. Shenoi, Dr. M.R.Ramesh Kumar (members), Dr. H.B. Menon, (Goa
University rep.), Dr. H.H. Gowda, (ISRO Rep.).
Chairman welcomed the members and appraised them about the Pacific Ocean
Remote Sensing Conference and the progress of its preparation. He expressed
satisfaction about the preparatory work for the Conference
and remarked that similar meetings will serve as platforms
for building healthy links with other national and international
organisations. He invited the members to make use of
this opportunity by taking active participation.
LVG Rao presented the background of the Conference and appraised the
members about the relevance and timing of the conference in the present
Indian scenario.
Elgar Desa said that the conference schedule is well timed to fall
in the best season of Goa, and appraised the members that the first announcement
of the conference was distributed to about 3000 mailing addresses both
national and international and received many responses to attend
the conference.
The PORSEC sponsorship
status was presented by Dr. T. Pankajakshan.
Dr. Shailesh Naik opened
up the discussion on PORSEC funds, accounting and utilisation of the unspent
money for promoting Indian Remote Sensing Society. Chairman
expressed the views of PORSEC secretariat that the unspent money should
go back to the PORSEC society. Later Dr. Shailesh inquired
about the chances of forming an Indian chapter of PORSEC for effective
utilization of the funds. Dr. Desa suggested to keep in mind
the prospect of Indian Remote sensing during the next five years while
discussing the utilization of funds. In reply to this
Dr.Narayan talked in detail about the science plan for ocean research.
Dr. Muraleedharan initiated
discussion on keynote address and national presentations for the PORSEC
2000 conference. It was decided by the members to have the following speeches
during the forenoon session.
Welcome address -
Chairman, PORSEC
Inaugural address
- Chief Guest
Presidential address -
President, PORSEC
Keynote address
- to be decided
Dr. Desa believes that
the Keynote should be the first address to set for the entire proceedings.The
unanimous choice of Dr. Abdul Kalam as the chief guest of PORSEC 2000 conference
is declared by the chairman and Dr. Narayanan will be the contact
point for pursuing this matter.
According to Dr. Muraleedharan,
the national presentation should cover the entire Indian space research
scenario ending with the launch of OCEANSAT I and the future programs
as well. This should also touch the validation programs and
applications. The Department of Space (DOS) was correctly chosen as the
organization identified for taking up this responsibility. Being
a major laboratory of DOS, Space Applications Center (SAC)
has taken up the responsibility of national presentation. NRSA,
another important laboratory of DOS was also keen on taking up this responsibility.
Finally it was agreed that SAC may co-ordinate with NRSA to make
it a reality.
Dr. Shenoi briefed about
the technical session, workshops, poster sessions etc. There will be four
parallel venues for four days and there will have several parallel sessions.
Each speaker will be given 15-20 minutes for oral presentation. A separate
session for IRS P4 was suggested by Dr. Shailesh Naik.
Dr. Prassana Kumar
briefed about PORSEC training course, covering the following aspects:
course topics, number of participants, selection of participants,
etc. Dr. Shailesh' s suggestion of charging nominal fees for the training
program was acceptable to the members as they felt that this step would
create some kind of seriousness among the participants.
Dr. Honna Gowda
proposed that the themes may be clubbed into the following
three broad categories
1. Ocean colour
and thermal infra red
2. Microwave remote
sensing for ocean - atmosphere applications
3. High resolution
sensors for coastal zone studies.
An intensive training
course for four to five days was proposed by chairman which includes lectures
hands on training. The
members felt that the training course should be prior to the Conference.
The trainees
include Indian
and foreign participants. Selected delegates (Indian and foreign)
of the conference will be
the resource persons.
Dr. Shailesh Naik proposed
that there should be a nominal fee for training course.
Dr. M. R. Ramesh Kumar
presented a proposal to organize three days workshops parallel
to the conference. The proposed themes are
SST and its connection with air sea flux
and circulation of the Indian Ocean
Color and primary productivity
techology on remote sensing data management
Dr. Elgar Desa briefed
the members the importance of inviting exhibitors for the conference.
Dr. Shailesh suggested separate plan should be made and sent to 100 exhibitors
(national and international).
Albert Gouvia briefed
about internet session. The members felt that the details of the internet
session should be worked out. Dr. Elgar was requested to contact instrument
- manufacturers to invite them for showcasing such instruments for
organizing internet sessions.
Since the expected delegates
for the conference is expected to exceed 200, the members expressed
the need to take care of the logistic support for such a large number well
in advance.
Shailesh suggested that early registration should be encouraged by
charging a nominal late fee for those participants who register after the
dead line.
Desa suggested we should have one popular lecture on remote sensing and
another one on "history of Goa" along with some cultural programs.
Sh. LVG Rao initiated
discussion on publicationof Conference proceedings. Dr. Pankajakshan said
that as in the case of earlier conferences the hard copy proceedings shall
be published prior to the conference for distribution to the registered
participants. The possibility of publishing the proceeding in CD shall
be worked out and can be finalised in next meeting. He also informed
members about existence of an editorial committee under the chairmanship
of Prof. Robert Brown and such matters as bringing out CD and special
issues of some reputed journals have to be finalised by the editorial committee.
The meeting ended with
thanks to the chair.